Eagle RTT 12-18

Eagle accepted the challenge from a US auto manufacturer to create a stand-up/sit down tow tractor that would allow them to standardize their global fleet.


Eagle RTT Industrial Tug

The KIRKS team worked with Eagle Industrial Truck to engineer the Eagle RTT-12 and RTT-18. The Eagle RTT-12 and RTT-18 are energy-efficient, zero-emission vehicles that
combine the newest electric motor technology with options like smart charging to
maximize efficiency.

The Eagle RTT series provides three shifts of operation, eliminating the need for
battery changes. These ergonomic vehicles offer unparalleled flexibility across
multiple manufacturing and distribution platforms.

The RTT family is designed as a versatile vehicle solution.

-for high-volume operations - fully adjustable seat for both stand-up and sit-down operation - turning radius of only 60 inches

Advanced 48V A/C electric drive requires no preventative maintenance continuing the long history of reliable Eagle vehicles. The range of sizes allows a user to specify which is best suited to their operation with towing capacities of 12,000 and 18,000 pounds.

The RTT is loaded with safety features.

-Regenerative braking is activated as soon as the throttle is released to smoothly decelerate the vehicle. - A secondary hydraulic braking system and electromagnetic parking/emergency brake further assist with safe operation. - Speed controls allow the operator to select a loaded or unloaded speed.

Built for high-volume manufacturing and warehousing organizations.

When you require vehicles that have a low cost of ownership and limited downtime, choose the Eagle RTT. It sets the standard for your tow tractor fleet, with efficiencies that are immediately gained. Having one set of replacement parts and factory direct service and support keeps your operation running smoothly.

Standard Features
  • 2,000 hour / 1 year preventative maintenance interval
  • 48 Volt A/C Drive
  • Hydraulic Brakes
  • Secondary hydraulic safety brake
  • Horizontal and vertical adjusting stand up/ sit-down seat
  • Unobstructed 7″ step-in height
  • Front and rear suspension
  • Digital display with system diagnostics
Selected Options
  • Smart charge battery system
  • Break away pole mounted strobe with tail/brake lights
  • Front and rear hitch with remote operation
  • OSHA paint colors: blue, yellow, orange, red or green

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*Max Towing Capacity
12,000 lbs (5,445 kg) 18,000 lbs *8,165 kg)
Turn Radius (outside)
59 in (1,499 mm) 69 in (1,753 mm)
Front – Coil Spring Rear – Dual Rubber Springs
Service Brakes
Primary – Regenerative Secondary – Wet Disk

Request More Information

Reach out to an expert to learn more about which Eagle Tug option may be right for your needs!